Friday, May 24, 2013

My Sister’s Nails (Owl Design)…Las Uñas De Mi Hermana (Diseño de Buho)

I am well aware that Owls are becoming quite common in today’s younger generation… I see people with owl tattoos, earrings, necklaces, shirts, bags etc you name it, everywhere… Anyways! Over this Christmas break I went home to visit and got to see my family. I did my sister’s nails and this is what came out. Please note that this isn’t my design, I saw a picture on the internet of this design.
Yo se que los Buhos se estan poniendo de moda hoy en dia, que es comun verlos POR TODOS LADOS. Hay gente con aretes de buho, collar, remeras, bolsos, carteras, tatuajes ect… de todo! En fin, cuando fui a visitar mi familia por la Navidad le hice las uñas a mi hermana. Porfavor tengan en cuenta que no es mi diseño, yo vi una foto en el internet con este diseño.


La imagen dice “Estuve pensando en tatuarme a un humano en la espalda”. xD

Que tengan un lindo dia! :) 

Have a great day! :)

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Clichéness, Awkward Lace & Tatas… Hormone Talk & Lipstick Promises

a : lacking social grace and assurance <an awkward newcomer>
Yep, so that’s what awkward is. Yep, I definitely fall into that ‘category’, if you will. I never understood the American use of the word awkward as in, “I was awkwardly standing there.” I cannot understand how someone can stand somewhere in an awkward manner. Anyways, I will be lacking some social grace within this post but hopefully making up for it with a hopeful lipstick promise.

So… Breasts. I recently went to buy new bras. I was aware that my breasts had reduced in size. I am 20 years old, never been pregnant, and am not on any hormone altering medication, nor have I lost any weight. When I was 18 they grew overnight and I had an extremely hard time finding stores that carried my size. I foolishly loathed my breasts instead of loving and accepting myself. After a while I got over my abnormal size. When I went in to get sized a few weeks ago I found out I had lost an entire cup size! I went to Frederick’s of Hollywood and bought the same style I had before… only one cup smaller :(

I was surprisingly sad and dumbfounded at the news! I had finally accepted that it is what I had and I was OK with it. Ah humans. We desire what we don’t have and when we have it we uselessly long for what once was before our desires were granted.

So ladies and gents, this is a cliche message but nevertheless required a lot of courage to spew (it’s not a simple thing… to talk so freely of one’s undergarment fluctuations). Desperately try to appreciate what you do or don’t have at the moment. I don’t mean material possessions nor people around you, not that I am disregarding the importance of others, but be a little self-centered and love yourself. Now that I am 20 years old I have observed my body make small changes here and there from age 16. Some I have eagerly welcomed, other changes… not so much. I’ve tried to adapt a new perspective to the inevitable perpetual changes, I look in the mirror and tell myself… “Enjoy what you got, kid.”

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” – Dr. Seuss

So… now onto appreciate my new size AGAIN. This is made infinitely easier by the lacy design of the comfy flattering bras. I got one in black and nude (essentials).

So I’ve got to ask, can this be an alteration of my hormones? I currently do not have health insurance to go find out! If this has happened to you as well please do dish if you don’t mind!

Here is a photo of a new lipstick I recently purchased and I promise I will be posting about soon! I lerve it so much!


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Essie's Lapis of Luxury & Pet My Peacock

Hallo Leute! I used this combination for about a week. Now, that is a long time for me to be wearing the same colour so you can tell I loved it.
Hola gente! Use esta combinacion por una semana! Usar un esmalte por una semana un culo de tiempo para mi… se nota que me encanta.

I used Spoiled “Pet My Peacock” as an accent. I love this glitter polish because you don’t have to fidget much with the individual glitters. It applies smoothly and evenly. My main colour is Essie’s “Lapis of Luxury”. I’ve been wanting this colour for a long time but I never wanted to dish out the money for it because it seemed a bit plain but I’m glad I did! I will be using it tons over the summer!
Use Spoiled “Pet My Peacock” para dar un acento en vez de pintarme todas las uñas con brillitos. Me encanta este esmalte porq no hay que joder mucho con la posicion de los brillitos. El color azul es de Essie se llama “Lapis of Luxury” y hace muuucho tiempo que queria este color pero no se me hacia que valia la pena pero la verdad me encanta! Lo voy a usar un monton este verano!

Lapis of Luxury is a bit sheer, I used three coats to ensure full coverage.
Lapis of Luxury de Essie es medio transparente asi que use tres capas para que quede opaco.

And here is a greeting from my family’s evil cat Lucy. I call her Lucifer for obvious reasons.
Have a good day!

Y aca tienen un saludo de la gata de mi familia, se llama Lucy pero yo la llamo Lucifer, por razones obvias.
Que tengan un buen dia!

Monday, May 20, 2013

I can't upload photos so follow my blog here in the meantime if you wish!.... No puedo subir photos asi que siganme si les interesa!

Yep... I cannot for the life of me upload ANY photos to Blogger. I have no idea why! I've let a week go by and nothing!
Sip.... No puedo subir photos a blogger! No tengo idea porque! Deje que pase una semana y nada!

Follow my blog here if you'd like!
Sigan mi blog aqui si quieren!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Oh, why hello there.

Hello! My name is Rachel and after having finally decided to begin a blog (fo'real this time) , I hope that you (whoever may stop by) might enjoy whatever spewed thoughts I publish if not...oh well! :) 
Have a good day!

Hola! Me llamo Rachel y despues de al fin decidir empezar un blog (y esta vez en serio) espero que les guste lo que sea que me de la reverenda gana de publicar :)
Que tengan un buen dia!