Friday, June 7, 2013

Sheer Snapdragon Swatch & NOTD!

Hello! It's been forever since I've posted because I've just been lazying around before my summer statistics class begins *insert pukey face*.

Anyways! I've got a beautiful buttery lipstick swatch and review that I promised in my previous awkward post here and a nail of the day today. The lipstick is "Sheer Snapdragon" from Flower which is sold only at Walmart if I'm not mistaken. The lipstick smells divine and I can't describe it but I love it! However, the smell might not be to everyone's liking so beware that it does smell (wonderful)!
The color is an orangey-red with very small golden glitters that are barely noticeable but add to the color. It also feels very moisturizing and smooth. The only complaint that I have is the packaging. I don't think there's anything wrong with it aesthetically, but the cap thingy came off and the plastic part sort of crackled like cheap plastic does :( It's been increasingly hard to close it again once I've opened it but I can deal with that :)

Hola! Hace mucho tiempo que no pongo nada nuevo porq he estado flojeando y vageando antes de que empieze mi clase de estatisticas este verano, buaj que asco :(

Hoy tengo un rouge para mostrarles que prometi en este post y el esmalte (s) del dia! El rouge se llama "Sheer Snapdragon" de Flower que solamente se vende en Walmart si no me equivoco. Huele riquisimo! No puedo describirlo pero me encanta como huele! Quiza no les guste el olor asi que ojo que tiene olor! (Pero uff es riquisimo!)
El color es un anaranjado-rojizo con brillitos dorados super chiquitos que no se notan casi nada pero definitivamente agregan al color. Se siente muy suave y hidratante. Lo unico que no me gusta es el "embalaje?" (no se si esa es la palabra equivocada). Pero el plastico de la capa se despego y el otro plastico esta como medio partido :( Cada vez que trato de cerrarlo se me hace una joda pero no me molesta mucho :)

The problem...
El problema...

The cracked plastic...
El plastico medio partido...

Swatched lightly and heavily.
Muestra con una mano suave y una muestra mas fuerte
